
Here's what I can
(and can't) do for you.

website design

application design

interactive design


art direction

editorial & Layout

social media design

Print & PAckaging

Product design


Merch & Wearable

Poster Design

Graphic Design

The great melting pot and my one true love. Collaborating with small businesses, artists, and musicians as well as organizations within the DEI and mental health sectors are where I find the most creative joy. If it means helping a brand improve the lives of its community, I’m in.

From supporting small biz to finding mental health resources, design can do more than inform. It can shape the world around us – for the better.

Deliverables: Imagine social posts and stories, visual & corporate identity, print-ready collateral, zines and more.

UX/UI Design

AKA web design, AKA app design, AKA product design– see where I’m going with this?

With more than 5 years of experience solving problems with creative, digital solutions in an agency setting, I’m equipped with the tools to design products and services that improve the daily lives of humans, while meeting brand and business goals.

I’m obsessed with technology and combine my knowledge of research and strategy, graphic design, and development to create impactful digital experiences.

Deliverables: Expect design concepts and iterations, a final high-fidelity prototype, photography direction, style guide, and technical documentation.

No-Code Website Design & Development

Not every solution is a custom-coded website. Sometimes what you need is a head start. For many businesses, lower cost-of-entry and accessibility outweigh the need for a proprietary solution.

There are a variety of no-code solutions out there for your website, but their value is maximized when in the hands of someone with working knowledge of website design and development. I combine my knowledge of no-code platforms such as Squarespace and Webflow with my experience in custom website design and development to craft a budget-conscious digital experience that still represents you or your business.

Deliverables: Envision a fully branded, optimized and user-friendly website experience at less than half the cost of some custom solutions.

What I don't do

I pride myself on the skills I have developed over the years and aim to be the very best at what I do for my clients and partners. In doing that, I’ve also learned there are areas in which I’ve yet to skill up in or have little interest in right now. I also know when a fish is too big for me to fry alone. When this is the case, I’m fortunate to lean on a network of individuals and agencies ready to share their expertise. I’m happy to provide referrals if you’re looking for:

  • copywriting
  • SEO & integrated marketing
  • social media marketing & management
  • custom website or app development